• Odd numbers drive me nuts. I'm forever making more lists because I hate seeing an odd number in those brackets.
  • I could sit for hours with arrowwords and some sudoku
  • I tried to teach myself Arabic..it worked for a while but then I forgot it all.
  • I get excited when the official statistics for crime in England and Wales are published
  • I own a book called Secrets of a Super Hacker
  • I have at least six different kinds of dictionary
  • I could tell you all about e numbers, additives, artificial sweeteners, aspartame..
  • I'm in forensic science club
  • I can hide a file behind a jpg
  • I can take photos in full manual mode on my SLR cameras telling you all the way about depth of fields and whatnot
  • I'm a good little decoder
  • I organise my books, films and CDs in a too crazy way to explain
  • I leap a little inside when I get a message or an email.
  • I enjoy kitchen utensils that come with lots of bits and add-ons like food processors with all kinds of different whisks
  • Buying one of those rubber thimbles you use to turn pages made my day not so long ago.
  • I know my closest friend's phone numbers, addresses and birthdays off by heart
  • I read up on first aid just in case Ross or Hetta or anyone else starts dying on me
  • I put my phone on loud at night in case Ross texts or if someone's in a tricky spot and they choose to phone me!
  • I can spot a saxophonist a mile away
may 19 2009 ∞
may 19 2009 +