• Reversing out of the garage at the wrong angle into a wall
  • Reversing into a black car at night time, my mommy shouting stop, stop, me going what? there's nothing there!
  • The time I drove with wellies on, steaming around well over the speed limit
  • Accidentally flicking something that put the headlights on full beam and not being able to find the button that turned them off
  • The time I went round a corner too fast
  • Cruising around in a little old mini, going round a tiny roundabout at 50mph.
  • Steaming round another roundabout too fast, cds everywhere, phone fell into a little gap that's a nightmare to stick your hand in.
  • Not noticing one way signs. This one always makes for an interesting few minutes!
  • Pressing accelerate when I meant brake.
  • Driving with the handbrake on for all of a minute before the car beeped at me. Quite rightly.
  • Feeling pretty perky listening to Bruce Springsteen on a sunny day ensuing speeding, reckless reckless speeding!
  • Emergency stop for a pigeon.
may 2 2009 ∞
may 2 2009 +