• Tardiness!
  • Recipe books using bunny meat!
  • Houmous, smoked cheese, fish sticks.
  • Hetta's mix tapes!
  • Excuses. Sleeps/parents/sick cat over drinkies. Booooo
  • Blank stares when told the nacho cheese joke.
  • 'wanna go to Oceana/see the new Vin Diesel film/cup of tea/go get steak and beer/see some sport/stroke my rat/make friends with fishponds locals/shot of wray & nephews?'
  • Salty popcorn, liquorice, olives..to continue the list of worst worst worst ever snacks.
  • Empty bottles of whisky, tanqueray, pepsi max..nope, nope won't do.
  • Idiot, loud, drunk girl. Sit under my window again at stupid o'clock, I dare you.
  • Self check-outs. I get an unexpected item in my baggage area every time..these days I'd rather wait for the real people checkouts before I scan my sleeve for £80.
  • 'Sorry no ginger chicken udon tonight' Eeek! Gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.
  • Forgetting to take my vitamins. One a day every day.
  • Beige swimsuits!
apr 28 2009 ∞
may 28 2009 +