• Going camping with my Dad and sister, taking Faye out for a bike ride and coming back without her. We found her..she was in tears.
  • Knocking myself out trying to get on the work top to get to my advent calendar. I was sick outside the hospital on the way in and outside the hospital on the way out.
  • Catching my Grandpa in the nakey
  • Walking in on my Dad and lesbian porn, aged 7.
  • Winning a Pog tournament!
  • Leaving for school in my regular shoes but changing half way into high heeled pink sparkly jelly shoes.
  • Cheese sandwiches and Crash Bandicoot afternoons
  • Making the best hot chocolates and sitting outside my house at nighttime talking about all sorts with some mateys.
  • Getting steaming drunk on a exchange trip after my exchange partner's friends put a ton of vodka in my already vodkay drinks.
  • Winning about £100 from the colleagues I hated at the worst job in the world on my last day there. I was a smug Kate that day.
  • Running over someone famous' foot in a supermarket with my trolley. Everyone was watching, I was oblivious..they all gasped!
  • Hetta's 21st. Eating something that made me go so silly I couldn't walk or talk and had to really sit and plot how I was going to move about from place to place. Almost ploughing into a bonfire, skipping about barefoot and getting stung by nettles and collapsing in to bed fully dressed well before everyone left.
  • My 21st too. A ten day affair, barely sober for any of it.
  • .some of the better ones, all my other most memorable stories are probably too tragic and bleak!
apr 26 2009 ∞
may 6 2009 +