• Fishponds! Without a doubt the one reason why I've spent the past 9 months moaning. HATE Fishponds.
  • Locals. Getting sniffed and stroked in supermarkets, getting asked for money, for a date, for my phone number, builders whistling, old men leering, men pulling over and offering me lifts, schoolboys asking me out, their girl friends giving me mean looks, old women looking at me like 'she's not from round here', I could go on forabsolutelyever.
  • Loud girl. She knows why.
  • Stinky boys and their bins
  • Students throwing up on walls and leaving their burgers everywhere
  • Bad music tastes
  • Steals under the guise of borrows
  • Waking up to people asleep in the hall, having to apologize as I stand all over their faces
  • Boys weeing all over the toilet seat
  • Hoovering at 1am because my flatmate is going cuckoo over a flat inspection the next day
  • Flat inspections!
  • My flatmate's idiot boyfriend and their split ups and make-ups, walking in on the make-ups.
may 26 2009 ∞
may 27 2009 +