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YOI Victuuri二次創作翻訳とその他ファン翻訳. 主な生息地はTwitter. ヴィク勇ライバルシリーズ翻訳中. 日英と英日両方. ヴィク勇/勇ヴィク/リバ/左右非固定 Fandom translator (fanfic, fancomic, and fan comments) for Yuri on Ice fandom! I do both English>Japanese and Japanese>English. Currently translating Victuuri Rivals au into Japanese.
Contact 連絡先 kaytranslates(@)


What I tweet in English

  • Summary of YOI fandom news from YOI official & MAPPA
  • Reactions of Japanese YOI fandom
  • Ask me anything! Curiouscat
  • On my translations of YOI related stuff: **Most of my twitter posts are not translations.** Often they are summaries, or selective translation because of word limit. When I translate, I indicate it as translation (usually on privatter or curiouscat). I prioritize conveying the original (Japanese) meaning to the fullest, sometimes provide synonyms and explanations in brackets. I don't prioritize readability, and some translations will look clunky. I have rationale for choosing one word (or multiple) over others, and happy to discuss those.
  • Casual blocking policy in effect because I do these translations voluntarily and I don’t need to face rudeness when I don’t have anything to promote (also for those who have things to promote should not have to face rudeness... they often put up with it and their efforts are commendable)


  • ライバルシリーズ翻訳進捗
  • YOI英語圏二次創作の感想や紹介
  • YOI本編の感想とか考察とか
  • その他YOI英語圏ファンの動向とか翻訳とか
  • マシュマロいつでも受付中
  • 学級会にはあんまり参加しないようにしています。あと割と気軽にブロックします。捨て垢やアンケート系は特に内容確認せずブロックします。
  • フォローしたり外したりも頻繁にします。詳しくは下を参照

Who am I and what I do - 自己紹介

  • 二次創作小説書き/翻訳(日英・英日)(西語は読専)
  • Fanfic writer/translator JPN/ENG (reads ESP)
  • 米国南部に住んで7年目 - Currently @ US South 7 years
  • 日本語が母語 - Japanese is my native language
  • 渡米前のTOEFL107/120 仕事でも翻訳通訳(日英・英日)します. Have done professional translations & simultaneous interpreting in my day job
  • 30s・成人済み・she/her (they/them)・demisexual
  • Victuuriは左右なし/非固定かリバ。ヴィク勇と勇ヴィク。日本語は主に漫画、英語は小説を中心に読みます。Mostly reads English fanfics and modestly collects Japanese fancomics (not a lot... so she says)
  • 英語スペイン語のYOI合同誌を集めるのが趣味。素晴らしい作品をありがとうございます... I've been expanding my collection of YOI zines.... thank you zine mods, artists and authors who never fail to make my day!!
  • YOIへの熱が冷めないうちはTwitter続けるつもりですが、卒業する日も来るかもしれません。フォローは頻繁にしたり外したりします。フィード整理の感覚です。相互の方が全員友達という訳ではないですしFF外にもよく話す友達がいますので、そこらへんは適当に。アカウント毎のミュートはあまりしません。逆にFF外でも英語やアメリカ文化やYOIの英語圏での受け止められ方や北米版の翻訳等について質問があればできる限りお答えしますし、気軽に話しかけてもらえれば嬉しいです。DMは解放しています。
  • Not necessarily inclined to follow back folks (treating it like RSS feed) but happy to answer any asks on j-fandom and/or any questions about Japanese language/culture/(contemporary) history/society etc whether we are following each other or not. I really don't have any stakes in providing info (I don't do ko-fi, patreon, etc) but would like to be as helpful as possible to folks who might be interested in native Japanese speaker's perspective~
  • 仕事は人文社会科学系、所属機関あり。高等教育は米国で受けたので日本の正典古典を知らない可能性があります。気になると調べられる範囲で調べだす研究者気質。
  • day job: I work in academia. ABD. Interdisciplinary researcher, educator, translator on communication media & technology, sociality, critical theory, postwar Japanese popular culture. Particular brand of cultural studies. I don't study fandom specifically but do read fandom-related academic literature. Some of my colleagues do study them and I have utmost respect. I do theorize politics/power relations in (fan) translations.

Things I did in YOI fandom 活動一覧


Check out my Privatter, Tumblr, and Curiouscat for previously answered asks

jul 19 2018 ∞
mar 2 2019 +