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  • I normally drive 10 mph over the speed limit
  • I never learned to parallel park so I suck at it
  • I can't drive behind log trucks. I am a paranoid person.
  • Driver's ed gave me a life long fear of the "No Zones"
  • I like to drive barefoot
  • I love driving long distances by myself
  • I always wear my seat belt for fear of going to the windshield. My imagination is highly active.
  • I think I should know how to change a tire, but I've never got around to actually learning. This worries me.
  • Sometimes I forget my wallet at home and I'm always worried that I'll get pulled over and I won't have my license.
  • I miss listening to cassettes in the car
  • As much as I love driving by myself, I also love that comfortable silence that can only come when you're driving with someone you know really really well.
  • I sing while I drive. Loudly. Sometimes I wonder if people around me think I have a bluetooth. It doesn't really worry me.
  • I think that cars should have names.
  • One time, after I filled up the car, I forgot to close the gas thing and I had to do it at a red light. It was kind of awful and scary. I felt like an idiot.
  • I started to learn when I was about 13 and a half.
  • Whenever I get into a car by myself I feel the need to check in the backseat for a killer, like in that "ghost story".
mar 26 2009 ∞
aug 9 2009 +