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  • "I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"
  • "O dear God, thank You. You are such a good God to us, a kind and gentle... and accommodating God. And we thank You, O sweet, sweet Lord of hosts... for the... smorgasbord... You have so aptly lain at our table this day... and each day... by day. Day by day by day. O dear Lord, three things we pray. To love Thee more dearly. To see Thee more clearly. To follow Thee more nearly... day by day... by day. Amen. Amen."
  • "I guess the only thing to do now is meet his parents. I'm sure they're decent people. I mean they gotta be if they named their son Gaylord Focker."
  • "Oh, yeah? How do you know my bag will be safe below with the other luggage? Huh? Are you physically going to take my bag and put it beneath the plane? Are you going to go right now outside, with the guys with the earmuffs, and go put it in there?"
  • "Oh no, Dina, Jack can talk Thai. Jack talk Thai real well."
  • "The animal doesn't even have thumbs, Focker."
  • "Puff is just the name of the boy's magical dragon... You a pothead, Focker?"
  • "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb. You gonna arrest me? Bomb bomb bomb bomb! What if during the war I was a BOMBadier?"
  • "Ok, well don't you think that the Samsonite people, in some crazy scheme in order to make a profit, MADE MORE THAN ONE BLACK SUITCASE?"
  • "Stupid cat? How can you say that? That cat's been like a brother to you. And we're supposed to just let him wander the streets without food, water or toilet?"
  • "You have another question? Sure, I got one question for you. It's CAN YOU DEAL WITH THAT?"
apr 4 2010 ∞
dec 11 2011 +