General audiences

At three o'clock in the morning after he'd been working for ten hours straight and everything he touched came out wrong and all his words were stilted and clumsy and all his music was rough and tangled... for some ungodly reason Kim Namjoon opened up a new browser window, typed bangtan sonyeondan fan fiction into the search bar, and then (god) hit enter.

Teen and up audiences

Leaving Ilsan meant leaving his friends and family behind, and Namjoon has never really been good at being alone. Due to the staggering statistics about the suicide rate in Korea, several universities have instituted a ‘Phone a Friend’ hotline, where students can talk to other students about their problems. There he finds solace in the warmth of a boy’s soothing voice, his raucous laughter, and the obsessive excitement he has towards the topic of food.


it was a vicious cycle, one of loving and leaving and living and learning, except Namjoon somehow always manages to miss that last bit, the most important bit, instead loving and leaving and living and loving again and again and again until the ring around the rosie finally scatters into ashes - and it's only him that falls.


First heats suck. First heats especially suck when you were never ever ever ever supposed to be an omega.

jun 7 2016 ∞
jun 8 2016 +