• I put up my fairy lights and they're bLINDING *screech*
  • school hasn't been cancelled yet but I want it to be as tomorrow is Friday and only going to school for one day of the week is pure nonsense
    • I really don't want to have to wake up at 5 am either. just let me sleep in goddammit
  • I've only had one cup of coffee today and I've been acting like a salty bitch excuse me
  • will get more coffee in a minute
  • I found a quote on someone's cs signature that really speaks to me: "no amount of espresso can kill my depresso"
  • damn this winter weather its making my nose runny
  • there's a random duster on my floor and I have no idea how it got there
  • EDIT: I do have school tomorrow. Dammit.
jan 18 2018 ∞
jan 18 2018 +