• i'm probably not gonna be on much today
  • fuck pe i'm not bringing my clothes
    • that was a bad idea, I had to walk all block. I counted my steps, and in total it was 4,964
  • I kinda had a bad day at first but then it got better
    • bad at first because alex and I got detention for the rest of the week for not turning in homework (uh we had a substitute and she didn't tell us it was due though) and being "disruptive" (bullshit)
    • it was pretty good otherwise! at the expo my mom and I got some walking dead merch at an auction and a pretty good group performed there. we met them afterwards too!! :D apparently they're touring, they said their next few stops would be in Florida and Iowa.
  • I got coffee, a milkshake, and maltesers tonight so I'm on an extreme sugar rush right now
mar 6 2018 ∞
mar 7 2018 +