• apparently Panic!'s new album is coming out on my birthday holy crap I'm so excited
  • there's a school dance tonight with a theme so Alex and I are gonna dress up for it (she's gonna be pikachu and I'm gonna be a pokemon trainer)
    • I wanted to be Junko Enoshima (from Danganronpa) but my parents are stubborn and won't take me to the store to get an outfit eeh
  • two songs I like played in art and I freaked out each time
  • Alex and I have a section in our shared notebook where we write down things we mistake people for saying. it's already at 3 pages front and back.
    • a few of our favorites are "Kenneth, yay, get on the line", "power nipple", "the postman was masturbating, so would that be major, or?", "no, that's a football field", "Martin Luther said Barbara", "first you must learn to play Clavis", and "are you gonna eat more fried chicken?"
  • okay highlights of the dance
    • not only did Alex come but my other friend did as well yay (let's just call her Taylor)
    • metal started playing so Taylor and I went up on the stage and headbanged and did air guitars the entire time
      • afterwards Alex called us an embarrassment lmao
    • Fall Out Boy came on and Alex, Taylor, and I started yelling the lyrics and slamming our fists on the table repeatedly
    • these three guys were acting really gay and I kept cheering at them
      • at one point two of them slow danced together, and at another point they were sitting down and they all snuggled together (which was the cutest thing ever)
    • there was a guy that was dancing the whole time (and singing during the FOB song and the metal) so when he walked by me I clapped for him and he smiled at me and said "no pictures please"
    • I picked up a chair to throw at Alex (don't ask) and I broke it
apr 5 2018 ∞
apr 7 2018 +