aa please don't get offended and yell at me..I'm just saying what other people want to say but don't.

there's a lot of cussing in this oops

  • When people say "i don't bite". Like, unless you're a vampire or a wild animal, of course you don't fucking bite people what the hell
  • When kids are super loud and throw temper tantrums and the parents don't do anything about it... learn how to raise a kid and keep your demon spawn under control.
  • Bitches and ignorant people. People who try to act like they're better than everyone else just piss me off.
  • People who say they're "married to a celebrity" and shit like that. An example: "Oh my god I love Ryan Ross sooo much he's totally my husband and he loves me." Bitch, shut the hell up, he doesn't know who you are and he'll probably never even notice you.
  • People who tell others off for being immature. Fuck you. I know I'm immature and I really don't care.
  • Stupid baby names. This annoys the fuck out of me, because I feel like these poor children are going to be bullied for their names. Names like "Dream" and "Desire" are better names for a dog or cat than your child. What a fucking abomination.
jan 14 2018 ∞
jan 14 2018 +