the original rant can be found here

I hope its allowed to share warnings?? if not please tell me..

here's the original warning word for word: Please remove this link from your signature and website link. It contains inappropriate language and your age.

Chicken Smoothie is a site for all ages and swearing/cursing is not appropriate (even if it is starred out, abbreviated, or spelled incorrectly, as the offensive intent is still clear). Do not post inappropriate language again.

Sharing personal information with other users is against CS rules, as is linking to another website where such information is easily found.

now, I'm going to go through this..

Please remove this link from your signature and website link. It contains inappropriate language and your age.

  • Ah, ah, ah. My age. Well, here's part of the post in which I "shared my age":
    • 13-16 age range oops im a minor
  • clearly it says "age range". "sharing my age" would be, for example: "I am 11 years old". age range is: "I am between [this age] and [this age]", therefore being a safer way to do it, as you are not technically sharing personal info. Moving on.

Chicken Smoothie is a site for all ages and swearing/cursing is not appropriate (even if it is starred out, abbreviated, or spelled incorrectly, as the offensive intent is still clear). Do not post inappropriate language again.

  • Yes, although it is talking about CS. This is a different site, where cussing is perfectly fine. I know what you might be thinking: Luna, you linked this site. You aren't allowed to share anything with cussing as kids can come to this site!! Well, in my main post on the front page I wrote things about cussing twice.
    • Here's the first one: i try not to cuss but sometimes in rants and stuff it might slip
  • Okay, in the first one I say I "try not to" (we all know that I can't control myself) but it's still an effort, and I don't throw out cuss words in every sentence.
    • Second one: NOTE: I cuss. If you don't want to see it or are under 13 then please click off.
  • Now, in the second one I clearly say that if you're under 13, then click off as I cuss. I know, it's not 100% effective as most kids don't listen. But I'm still letting them know. (Honestly, I don't think kids under 13 should be allowed on the Internet in the first place, or at least without parents with them.)

Sharing personal information with other users is against CS rules, as is linking to another website where such information is easily found.

  • Okay, I get it. This is to ensure safety. Although, staff sent me a link to what is not allowed on CS.
    • Here's an excerpt: The type of info we don't let you share:
      • Your full name or last name
      • Your age, grade, or birth year
      • Your address, suburb, town or city
      • The name or location of your school/club etc
      • Photos of yourself or your family/friends (except if your faces aren't visible)
      • Your email address or phone number, as well as Skype, kik or other contact information
      • Full names of your family/friends
  • Was my full name ever shared here? Nope. Age, grade, birth year? Nope, age RANGE is as far as I have ever went. Address, suburb, town or city? Nope. Honestly, c'mon, I'm not that stupid. Name of my school? Nope. Photos of myself? Yes, but I blurred out my face on every one of them, which they say is allowed. Email address/phone number? Nope. Skype/kik? Nope, I don't even have either of those. And finally..full names of family/friends? Nope. All of these were checked off negative, so I really don't see why I was warned about sharing private info.

Again, to staff, I am not trying to make you angry and I apologize if I did. I followed the rules and removed it anyway. Feel free to pm me about this and I will listen to whatever you have to say. And please don't ban me because of this. Or, if you do decide to ban me, then please talk to me first so we can try to get this all sorted out. Thank you for listening.

jan 29 2018 ∞
jan 30 2018 +