• 1. Preferred method of hunting & his moral standpoint on it

Sorrelkit isn’t actually old enough to hunt yet, but he has trapped a few foolish mice that were scuffling around the camp. He thinks that it’s be cruel to taunt them with his hallucinations since they are just unfortunate little creatures to happen upon him, so in his very limited experience, Sorrelkit has tried to distract them with a mirage he thought would be pleasing to them before biting down on their necks.


  • 2. What he does with his free time

Observing the happenings of clan life is Sorrelkit’s absolute favorite thing to do every day. This can range from sitting outside dens and listening in on convers...

feb 18 2019 ∞
mar 17 2019 +
  • 6. Niche skills

It's a little uncanny, but Sorrelkit is quite good at gauging what people are thinking/feeling. He's very talented at picking up subtle cues from body posture and minute changes in speech/attitude. This can make it very easy for him to try to comfort them or aggravate them further. Sorrelkit also seems to have an impeccable sense of tracking and direction. He can find his way back from anywhere if need be. More often than not he uses this skill to find particular cats around camp (though it wouldn't be that hard to just go around looking for them without any particular decisiveness either).


  • 7. Opinon on twolegs

Sorrelkit doesn't know quite why twolegs ...

feb 18 2019 ∞
mar 17 2019 +