dream villagers
- tia
- gala
- molly
- marshal
- lily
- annabelle
- ?
- merengue
- ?
- cranky: fang, chief, cyrano, wolfgang
- jock: bam, genji, cousteau, gen
- lazy: beau, chester, erik
- normal: tia, gala, merengue, chevre, fauna, lily, lolly, maple, molly, goldie, pekoe, vesta
- smug: marshal, olaf, henry
- peppy: annabelle, cheri, bluebear, bunnie, felicity, rosie
- snooty: blanche, whitney, willow, diana, francine, freya, ankha, pecan, tiffany
- uchi: pashmina, agnes, tammy, deirdre
towns to aspire to
- 5100-2140-1457 pink sea
- crazy planned out. super pastel
- 6600-5552-9680 fateside
dream towns to check out
- http://www.jvgs.net/dreamsuite/
- 4100-5180-1663 foxden
- 4100-5477-2102 topaz
- 5600-20003-4561 dylan sprouse
- 7900-3285-6095 north
- 5300-5309-0024 flipside
- 5700-2203-2275 bumbury
- 6400-4819-2656 chibicaky
- 6400-4227-9349 ✩azalea✩
- 7600-2195-9244 ✩heaven✩
- 5800-3743-6355 kokoro (natural paths)
- 7200 - 5723 - 1289 daysea
- 5100 - 5898 - 3480 crystal
to do
- replace anabelle's bed
- get merengue's sweets couch back to her
- can i have an acnl blog pls
- forest villager
- prince/princess/pastel villager?
- normal trees: 19
- disney names: alice, al, aurora, belle, buzz, daisy, doc, gaston, merry, nan/nana, phil, prince, robin, sally, walt, wendy (kind of: apple, erik, kiki, lily, marina, queenie, rosie, stitches)
- ff/kh names: axel, lulu, zell, mira, ruby, sydney
- da names: cole
- moved out: broffina, del, clyde, tucker, agnes, peaches, timbra, skye, baarbara, puddles, beardo, avery
jan 18 2016 ∞
jun 3 2016 +