i had the absolute best dream and now i am So. sad

alright the memory's a little foggy but i think the gist of it was that i was best friends with the bangtan boys? and i'd just broken up with my ex, so i and they and some other random people who were also apparently our best friends were just sitting around, fucking around. v was so fucking cute and i was just messing with him like poking his cheeks from time to time and he loved it and played back and ;;;;;; was just the perfect v. absolutely perfect. he made everything 500% better. and there was this other random guy?? who i don't think was a bangtan because i remember him being blonde and kinda bulky but i liked him and he liked me and he was just messing with me a lot, sometimes roughly, sometimes sweetly, and i was messing back and just ugh. i remember laughing so much during that dream i was so happy

that's all i fucking want. someone who's playful and challenging and charismatic and flirtatious and just willing to be silly. about whatever. doesn't have to be a boyfriend. friends are really nice too. but never date anyone who doesn't make you laugh.

aug 7 2014 ∞
aug 7 2014 +