Your stats are the following.

Strength: Measures physical power.

Dexterity: Measures agility.

Constitution: Measures endurance.

Intelligence: Measures reasoning and memory.

Wisdom: Measures perception and insight.

Charisma: Measures personality.

Please Help Oh God Oh Fuck How Do I Do These Stats

Your two options are vastly different. You can use an array of seventy-five points that you can divide among all your stats [with a maximum of 20 in any stat]. You can also use the array of 16, 15, 14, 12, 10, and 8, and put one of each of those numbers into each score.

Strength Guide

Not sure what Strength stat your character should be at? Check here. Sourced from DMingWithCharisma.

  • 1 [Modifier: -5] Weak enough to struggle with lifting their own limbs.
  • 2-3 [Modifier: -4] Needs help to stand and is easily knocked over.
  • 4-5 [Modifier: -3] Knocked off balance relatively easily with any dense object.
  • 6-7 [Modifier: -2] Difficulty pushing an object of their own weight.
  • 8-9 [Modifier: -1] Difficulty even getting heavy objects off of the ground.
  • 10-11 [Modifier: +0] Can pull their own weight.
  • 12-13 [Modifier: +1] Can carry heavy objects short distances.
  • 14-15 [Modifier: +2] Buff-ish. Twunk zone. Throws small objects long distances.
  • 16-17 [Modifier: +3] Carry heavy objects under one arm.
  • 18-19 [Modifier: +4] Break materials like wood with bare hands.
  • 20 [Modifier: +5] Able to catch a falling person or out-wrestle a work animal [i.e. a pack mule].

Dexterity Guide

Not sure what Dexterity stat your character should be at? Check here.

  • 1 [Modifier: -5] Barely mobile.
  • 2-3 [Modifier: -4] Cannot move without noticeable pain and/or effort.
  • 4-5 [Modifier: -3] Shows visible physical difficulty or paralysis.
  • 6-7 [Modifier: -2] Very clumsy and/or slow reaction timing.
  • 8-9 [Modifier: -1] A little slow and/or somewhat clumsy.
  • 10-11 [Modifier: +0] Can usually catch a small tossed object.
  • 12-13 [Modifier: +1] Able to usually hit large targets.
  • 14-15 [Modifier: +2] Can catch or dodge a surprise projectile.
  • 16-17 [Modifier: +3] Able to usually hit small targets.
  • 18-19 [Modifier: +4] Very light footed, able to usually hit small moving targets.
  • 20 [Modifier: +5] Very graceful, flows from one action to the next without problem.

Constitution Guide

Not sure what Constitution stat your character should be at? Check here.

  • 1 [Modifier: -5] Body reacts violently to anything foreign. Awful immune system.
  • 2-3 [Modifier: -4] Frail. Probably suffers broken bones frequently.
  • 4-5 [Modifier: -3] Bruises easily. Knocked out by a light punch.
  • 6-7 [Modifier: -2] Prone to disease and infection.
  • 8-9 [Modifier: -1] Easily winded. Can't do a full day of hard labour.
  • 10-11 [Modifier: +0] Sometimes contracts mild sicknesses, i.e. common cold.
  • 12-13 [Modifier: +1] Can take a couple of hits before being knocked unconscious.
  • 14-15 [Modifier: +2] Able to labour for twelve hours.
  • 16-17 [Modifier: +3] Shrugs off most illnesses.
  • 18-19 [Modifier: +4] Can stay awake for days on end without ill effect.
  • 20 [Modifier: +5] Almost never feels fatigue.

Intelligence Guide

Not sure what Intelligence stat your character should be at? Check here.

  • 1 [Modifier: -5] Incapable of logic or reason. Basically a half-dead dog.
  • 2-3 [Modifier: -4] Very limited speech and knowledge.
  • 4-5 [Modifier: -3] Resorts to charades to express thoughts.
  • 6-7 [Modifier: -2] Often misuses and/or mispronounces words.
  • 8-9 [Modifier: -1] Trouble following trains of thoughts. Often forgets unimportant things.
  • 10-11 [Modifier: +0] Knows what they need to in order to get by.
  • 12-13 [Modifier: +1] Fairly logical, knows a bit more than necessary.
  • 14-15 [Modifier: +2] Able to do math or logic puzzles mentally with reasonable accuracy.
  • 16-17 [Modifier: +3] Fairly intelligent. Understands new tasks quickly.
  • 18-19 [Modifier: +4] Very intelligent. May invent new processes or uses for knowledge.
  • 20 [Modifier: +5] Highly knowledgeable. Likely the smartest person a couple of people know.

Wisdom Guide

Not sure what Wisdom stat your character should be at? Check here.

  • 1 [Modifier: -5] Seemingly incapable of thought and barely aware.
  • 2-3 [Modifier: -4] Almost never notices important items, people, or events.
  • 4-5 [Modifier: -3] Very impulsive, incapable of forethought.
  • 6-7 [Modifier: -2] Fails to exert common sense.
  • 8-9 [Modifier: -1] Forgets to or plain decides not to look before they leap.
  • 10-11 [Modifier: +0] Makes reasoned decisions for the most part.
  • 12-13 [Modifier: +1] Able to tell when a person is upset.
  • 14-15 [Modifier: +2] Can get hunches about a situation that doesn't feel right.
  • 16-17 [Modifier: +3] Reads people and situations fairly well.
  • 18-19 [Modifier: +4] Often consulted as a source of wisdom or decider of actions.
  • 20 [Modifier: +5] Reads people and situations very well, almost by instinct.

Charisma Guide

Not sure what Charisma stat your character should be at? Check here.

  • 1 [Modifier: -5] Barely conscious.
  • 2-3 [Modifier: -4] Minimal independent thought.
  • 4-5 [Modifier: -3] Struggles to think of others as people.
  • 6-7 [Modifier: -2] Very shy, boring, or rude.
  • 8-9 [Modifier: -1] A little bit boring or makes people a bit uncomfortable.
  • 10-11 [Modifier: +0] Capable of polite conversation.
  • 12-13 [Modifier: +1] A bit interesting, knows what to say to the right people.
  • 14-15 [Modifier: +2] Interesting. Knows what to say to most people.
  • 16-17 [Modifier: +3] Popular. Receives greetings and conversations on the street.
  • 18-19 [Modifier: +4] Immediately likeable to most and the subject of favorable talk.
  • 20 [Modifier: +5] Life of the party. Able to keep others entertained for hours.
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