½ = How the character feels about people taller or shorter than them


± = The character and what they think about math

While she's good with sciences, math is the only science she doesn't always understand completely. It takes her longer to study, but she doesn't mind it.

@ = How the character appears online

She keeps a low profile on the internet just like her parents. She prefers instant messengers to chat with friends over social media where she is supposed to post stuff. Her gamer tag is her hero name Rantula, but she rarely ever plays online.

¥ = How the character handles money or spends it

She spends most of her allowance on hero merchandise and loses track of her expenses easily. It's a problem she is aware of, but she can't help it when she sees limited merch. She doesn't accept her parents helping her out, though, and tries to get by with part time jobs.

° = The character’s temperature preferences

Ran is quite sensitive to changes in temperature since they affect her body, so she prefers a middle ground-slightly on the colder side weather, since she can dress for that. Sweating is one of the things she hates most, so heat is a no no.

æ = The character and languages (Known or Want to Learn)

She knows Japanese and English. Aside from the English she's learnt in school, her parents have also taught her while she was younger, so she is fairly fluent.

↔ = The character’s ability to read directions

She always confuses directions on maps, but she can remember streets and places well, so she always finds her way around when she has been somewhere before.

♥ = Character’s preference for relationships (sexuality, type of person, etc.)

She has only ever shown interest in Tamaki.

zzz= What time the character enjoys sleep or being awake

She is a morning bird and never has any difficulties getting out of bed in the morning even when she goes to bed late. If it was up to her, she'd be awake at all times xD

☂ = Weather the character enjoys

She likes snowy weather when it's all fresh and clean and pretty. Otherwise, spring weather is her favorite. Not too hot nor too cold, plus everything is full of flowers.

♪ = What music the character likes

Hero Jump soundtrack.

( =①ω①= ) = What animals the character likes and if they have a pet/pets

She doesn't have any pets, but she loves animals very much. Right now, she'd say dolphins are her favorite, but that changes regularly.

(・∀・ ) = The character’s emotional state most of the time

Very, very, blindingly bright and smiley.

☆~(ゝ。∂)= How the character greets people

Jump hugs.

⊙﹏☉ = What flusters the character

Rarely anthing, really. But you can notice when she talks faster and more than she usually does when she gets surprised or when there are too many thoughts in her head. Usually though, her reactions to anything are genuine and an exact representation of her thoughts, so there is not a lot that can fluster her.

(≧∇≦) = What makes the character happy

Tamaki, spending time with her friends, flowers and animals, hearing Tamaki share animal facts, food, getting praise, seeing her parents in the news, anything hero-related, dancing, ...

(/□\*)・゜ = What makes the character blush

(;╹⌓╹) = What scares the character

(;へ:) = What makes the character cry

(´ q ` ” ) = The character’s “guilty” pleasure

(・□・;) = What makes the character uncomfortable

(*^◇^)_旦 = What the character likes to eat and drink

Ran likes sweet baked goods most, but since she tries to eat healthy, she often supresses her cravings with bubblegum. She can never say no to strawberry milk or berry ice tea, though.

。゚(TヮT)゚。 = What makes the character laugh

(´;Д;`) = What worries the character

(⑅ ‘﹃’ ) = What the character daydreams or thinks about

☼ : Childhood headcanon

☯ : Genderbent headcanon

☮ : Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon

☄ : Any AU headcanon

Ran's pokemon team would consist of mostly spiders that is Spinarak, Ariados, Joltik, Galvantula and Araquanid. The single Morelull would mark her affinity to nature as well as be a little wink to her mother's neon quirk. Similarly, her fantasy AU persona would be based on nature as well. As a druid ranger, she would specialize on hunting with a bow and herbalism. She'd also have a wandering shop where she sells off everything she doesn't need.

♤ : Cooking headcanon

⊕ : Talents/hobbies headcanon

Ran can not only create intricate spiral webs with her quirk, she is also pretty good with traditional knitting, sewing and crocheting. She never gets around to do it anymore, though, since a lot of her free time goes into her other hobby, dancing.

✚ : Health headcanon

✿ : Happiness headcanon

✖ : Anger headcanon

♆ : Body headcanon

Ran has a rather frail body type and light weight which does not support her aggressive fighting style and is easily injured by hard hits. She is working to build up more muscle, but her spider physiology makes it difficult. On the plus side, it supports her agility. She has two sets of extra spider legs which are retractable to tiny nubs on her back and can rotate in every rotation.

ϡ : Mental state headcanon

Ran wakes up early enough to have the time to practise yoga and gratitude in the morning. It sets her mindset and intentions for the day and allows her to tackle anything with a positive mind. That is why everybody immediately notices when she has a bad day. She would either feel like everything was out to attack her and she would get angry at anything or ignore everything and refuse to see anyone.

✄ : Pet peeve headcanon

There are not a lot of things that bother Ran, but one thing that can annoy her to no end is wet hair. It clings to her neck and takes an eternity to dry. It's one of the reasons why she is glad that she has short hair now. She also hates it when people smoke without caring about other people in their presence.

jul 8 2020 ∞
jul 8 2020 +