½ = How the character feels about people taller or shorter than them

Vi couldn't care less, though he does like to mock Nao for being so short and he also gets pissed whenever Uchiki mentions that he's 1cm (1!) taller.

± = The character and what they think about math

One of his better subjects.

@ = How the character appears online

Before getting out of Triad, Vi was practically non-existent online. After Mei suggests he gets an Instagram and sends him to Kokoro and Rikka, he uses it to document his therapy progress and stalk his friends.

¥ = How the character handles money or spends it

Since he had to learn to take care of himself at a very young age and also earned his own money very early, he is quite responsible with it.

° = The character’s temperature preferences

He likes being warm ;;

æ = The character and languages (Known or Want to Learn)

He knows Chinese and Japanese as most high society Chinese kids.

↔ = The character’s ability to read directions

He doesn't need directions, he knows the best ways to get around in Shanghai and he doesn't want to go anywhere else

♥ = Character’s preference for relationships (sexuality, type of person, etc.)


zzz= What time the character enjoys sleep or being awake

Vi is awake 24/7, but he likes the early morning (the 4am - 8am morning), because he likes seeing the city wake up

☂ = Weather the character enjoys

While Vi likes being warm, it is more in the form of body warmth. He hates hot summers and prefers cool days

♪ = What music the character likes

Bar music probably

( =①ω①= ) = What animals the character likes and if they have a pet/pets

Vi loves cats and adopts a street kitty later when he moves in with Uchiki

(・∀・ ) = The character’s emotional state most of the time


☆~(ゝ。∂)= How the character greets people

With insults

⊙﹏☉ = What flusters the character

Compliments and interest in him. Like when Uchiki wants to celebrate the day Vi received his high school diploma one year after he got it? Who does that sdlkfajfdl

(≧∇≦) = What makes the character happy

Uchiki, cats, sex

(/□\*)・゜ = What makes the character blush

(;╹⌓╹) = What scares the character

(;へ:) = What makes the character cry

(´ q ` ” ) = The character’s “guilty” pleasure

(・□・;) = What makes the character uncomfortable

(*^◇^)_旦 = What the character likes to eat and drink

Spicy food

。゚(TヮT)゚。 = What makes the character laugh

(´;Д;`) = What worries the character

(⑅ ‘﹃’ ) = What the character daydreams or thinks about

☼ : Childhood headcanon

☯ : Genderbent headcanon

☮ : Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon

☄ : Any AU headcanon

Vi's Pokemon team consists of Luxray, Gossifleur, Shroomish, Nidoking, Croconaw, Scrafty (+Teddiursa)

♤ : Cooking headcanon

⊕ : Talents/hobbies headcanon

✚ : Health headcanon

✿ : Happiness headcanon

✖ : Anger headcanon

♆ : Body headcanon

ϡ : Mental state headcanon

✄ : Pet peeve headcanon

jul 8 2020 ∞
jul 9 2020 +