I have two cats:
- Benco
- Fat, misbehaved, friendly
- Luna
Naughty things Benco has done:
- Eaten my aunts bread rolls from her shopping bag
- Walked in paint and then all over the house
- We could follow the trail to him
- Sits on the roof outside my window
- Obviously the back door isn't a grand enough entrance for him
- Runs out the front
- Drinks out of the toilet
- Unrolls the toilet roll
- Drunk out of my glass
- Pushed me out the way to get to it!
Luna doesn't do naughty things but she does:
- Only sit on your lap if you put a cushion there first.
- Sit very neatly
- In the exact centre of the room
- Or around the edges
- Like it when you massage her head
- Likes attacking you
- If you poke your finger through the stairs
- And then pretending she didn't
- She likes being outside
- And making friends with beetles
- Sleeping in the biggest cat bed
- Even though she's the smallest
- This means Benco sleeps in the small bed or the washing basket...with his teddy bear.