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  • When I was 4, I was taken to my grandmother's when mom went into labor with my sister. Dad came over that night to tell me it was a girl and what her name was. I clearly remember they day they brought her home... Dad parked the Monte Carlo at the very top of the driveway. My cousin Jill was there. I had on my very cool kite pants.
  • Playing in the dirt in my back yard with my best friend Amy, at age 5, and seeing my mom step out on the porch to take a picture of us.
  • Grandpa used to take me downtown and we would watch the trains go by.
  • I clearly remember getting Milky the Cow at Christmas at Grandma's. I was so excited. I drug dad straight to the kitchen so I could play with her.
  • Rolling down the big hill at High Point Friends in kindergarten.
  • Also in kindergarten, I remember my class performing at Easter, "In Your Easter Bonnet" (we were, of course, all wearing Easter Bonnets)
  • In 5th grade, our science teacher told us one morning about breaking a thermometer and how she was trying to wipe the mercury off the counter into her hand and all the 10 year olds gasped. She had no idea she wasn't supposed to touch mercury. She also didn't know it would split every time you touched it.
  • In 5th grade going to Monticello for the day.
  • In 4th grade we went to Raleigh.
  • I remember the night mom and dad told Kara and me that they had gotten us a babysitting job. We were so surprised, we thought we were too young. Then mom said, for your new baby brother or sister. I fell off the ottoman backwards. (I may have been a little overly dramatic)
  • Don't remember this one but have been told... When I was a toddler, I guess, I'd been in bed and quiet and my parents thought I was asleep. So as they were going to bed, my dad pushed my bedroom door open as he was passing by (so they could hear if I woke up). He said from in the bedroom he heard this little voice say, Well would ya look at that.
  • I remember the huge oak tree next door being cut down and the sound it made when it hit the ground. The whole ground shook.
  • I remember mom and dad having a yard sale and Grandpa came over to watch me. I remember eating Cheerios.
  • I used to get up at 6am on Saturdays to watch Captain Kangaroo. I sat in my little rocking chair, next to the end table and ate my Cheerios. I had to be quiet because everyone else was asleep.
  • I remember when mom and dad finally allowed us to watch the Dukes of Hazzard. YEE HAW
  • When we got our first tvs, black and white, the first thing we watched was the Dukes of Hazzard.
  • Sometimes on Friday nights we would go to the mall and get Baskin Robins ice cream.
  • I remember once, when mom said "don't make me pull this car over," SHE ACTUALLY DID. I was scared and embarrassed (my grandma was with us). And it never happened again.
  • Playing with our Barbies in our little pools in the backyard and laying them and their clothes out to dry in sunny spots in the yard.
  • Raking "roads" through the back part of the yard in the pine needles. Had drive throughs for stores and restaurants. We must have ridden MILES through that back yard.
  • ROL-A-RINK!!!
  • Friday nights at Westchester Mall.
sep 8 2008 ∞
oct 1 2008 +