ikuta erika | 980122.

my beautiful girl, who would say that you would win my heart, right? nor did i expect it. i did not expect you to become so special to me. you came without my noticing, and when i finally saw you, you were all i wanted. my flower, i only ask you never to leave my side, because today i no longer know how to live without your presence. i feel so lucky to love you. you make me look like a silly poet when it comes to talking about you and my love. and know, you're beautiful as the moon, my love, and my love for you is infinite like the universe. in your eyes there are the most beautiful galaxies a scientist has yet to discover. and if you have doubts of that, look at me, and you will be able to see your own reflection, for you and your love have rebuilt various parts of my being that hitherto were unknown to me, making each of them have a touch your. today, i'm made of your love and, my love, when you doubt this and how much i love you, i ask you to just look into your eyes that you will have the answer and you will see that every day i can fall in love again you, how grateful i'm to have you by my side and how much you complete me. you, clearly it's my other half that i both looked for and that i finally had the opportunity to find. i love everything about you, my angel. i love your voice, your eyes, your smile and everything that surrounds you. i love you with all my soul, my moon. and, if it depends on me, this love will never end.

may 18 2018 ∞
may 19 2018 +