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name: lucy

nickname: lu, lulu

age: 18 (25/04/00)

gender: female

pronouns: she/her

nationality: english / black caribbean

language : english



Favourite brand of make up?

I dont really have one, i just buy drug store products e.g. maybeliene, L'Oreal etc

favourite perfume?

Flash- Jimmy Choo, Lady Million- pacco rabanne

Do you drink juice?

only really blackcurrent, im fussy when it comes to drinks, i dont like fizzy drinks, or orange juice and many others

Do you get mad easily?

not really, it takes me a lot to get me like really in rage mode, but i can get annoyed sometimes, im only human

Any phobias?

arachnophobia, i hate hate hate spiders, also autophobia but really that is it as far as i am aware... also clinomania lmao

Do you bite your nails?

Sometimes, i usually do it when im nervous or they're irritating me

Have you ever had a near death experience?

i almost got run over once to the point where i had to be pushed out of the road, that was pretty scary not gonna lie

Things you cant leave the house without?

my phone defiantly, also earphones because music is a necesity

jul 13 2016 ∞
nov 20 2018 +