• why am i never good enough
  • why am i always the friend or other woman and not the "one"
  • why is it that im always either lied to or shit just gets... omitted.
  • why is that i can talk all this great and inspirational shit that motivates just about anyone... but me
  • why is that i can organize and put things together like shedules in near perfect prioritized order for someone and not for me
  • why is that i can think of the perfect thing to say for every situation and yet when i go to talk it comes out completely differnt, but if i write it its ok
  • why is it that i can trust and love people so must and so easily when just about every person ive ever come to know, friend family or foe, has at some point or another done something to make it so that i SHOULDNT trust and love them so, yet i do
  • why is it that i can forgive just about anything even the most unthinkable and hurtful things yet when i do or say something, its never forgotten and so god damn hard to forgive
  • why is it that i am such an optimistic and happy-go-lucky person yet always seem to be the one that fucks shit up or has something go terribly wrong for them
  • why am i stuck in this black hole of a rut that i just cant seem to get out of!!! and the one time i had the oppertunity to, and did, it wasnt to long that at the end of it i was back to where i stared and am back in almost the exact same place, only difference is i do less drugs and have one more friend
  • i feel like i should just stop everything, accept for being his friend, bc i KNOW that i am going to get hurt
  • why do i still do the things i do knowing exactly how its going to end up?
  • what am i like as a friend? -
  • whats your first thought when i call you? -
  • if you could describe me in one word, what would it be? -
  • if we never saw each other again, what would you miss most about me?
aug 27 2010 ∞
nov 21 2011 +