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"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." → St. Teresa of Calcutta

I enjoy lists & find satisfaction in crossing off my to-dos.

honeybee books (2025)
wishlist (wants/needs)
events (2025)
felipe movies (oscar 2025)
  • Getting through my second year of grad school; 7months left & 4months until I walk!
  • Spending a 4day summer retreat/conference in Chicago
  • Being a part of a service team for Northeast YFL regional conference
  • Getting to know and work with the lovely people at Pathways Strategic Teaching Center
  • Getting a part-time barista job at B&N café (hello discounts!)
  • Saw my first Broadway show: Aladdin in NYC (7.8.16)
  • Saw EXO // kyungsoo-yah! in the flesh at the NY/NJ exo'luxion concert (2.21.16)
  • Booking a Costa Rica trip between terms with some friends!
sep 10 2016 ∞
jan 2 2017 +