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"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." → St. Teresa of Calcutta

I enjoy lists & find satisfaction in crossing off my to-dos.

honeybee books (2025)
wishlist (wants/needs)
events (2025)
felipe movies (oscar 2025)

College Transitions course (1 cr)

  • URI 101 (1): A

Natural Sciences (6 cr)

  • CHM 103 (3): C
  • AVS 101 (3): B

Social Sciences (6 cr)

  • PSY 113 (3): B
  • SOC 100 (3): C

English Communication (6 cr)

  • WRT 105 (3): B-
  • LIB 120 (3): B+

Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (3 cr)

  • MTH 107 (3): -----

Fine Arts and Literature (6 cr)

  • ART 207 (3): C+
  • ENG 243 (3): B+

Letters (6cr)

  • PHL 212: (3) C+
  • NUR 360 (3): A-

Foreign Language/Cross-cultural Competence (6 cr)

  • LET 151 (3): A
  • LET 151 (3): Spring 12
may 10 2011 ∞
sep 10 2016 +