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  • the garden out front where I found a dead rabbit
  • 805, the number of my apartment
  • the garbage bin disposal that always scared me
  • the parking lot across the street where I'd ride my bike
  • the drunk named Judy
  • the man in the wheel chair that never smiled
  • Sonny, the old man who always gave me chocolate milk
  • the smell of cigarettes
  • the underground parking that scared me at night
  • the random fire alarms in the middle of the night
  • the hula skirt I taped around my bunk bed to make a curtain
  • the lava lamp in my room that I stopped using after I swore I saw a ghost (fat man, in a top hat, with a monocle) looking at it.
  • playing in the grass park across the street
  • going to the art center and not understanding their weird statues
  • walking down by the lake before all the new developments
  • going to the convenience store and buying Twinkies
  • blowing bubbles off my balcony when little kids were playing in the park below us and hearing them laugh and wonder where they came from.
  • the one Christmas Eve when I was laying down on the couch watching the snow fall and thinking how everything would never be as perfect as it was then.
jul 18 2012 ∞
jul 21 2012 +