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mæria (música)
petra ‍ ‍ ‍
25 (readings)

Simplified version because now I'm better at explaining this stuff. You don't have to read the first one to understand this text, however, I encourage you to go ahead and study Jungian Analytical Typology by yourself (there's sources at the end!).


For better understanding of cognitive pairs and their nature, first we must know what the letters mean in their "purity".

  • Extroversion is connected in all through the "other world", the outside. The resources all focus on the external. It's about other people, the society, the world. It's malleable, open, can easily change, and quicker than introversion. Its job is to understand and interact with the group.
      • Extroversion puts anyone or anything above itself.
  • Introversion is connected in all through the "internal world", the inside. The resources all focus on the personal, internal, on you. It's particular and egocentric. It's strict, conservative, hard to let go and slow. Its job is to understand and interact with the self, the owner.
      • Introversion puts itself above anyone or anything.
  • Sensing is an irrational function connected with reality. It's the real, physical, concrete world. It's about what it is and what has been, data and proof. It's skeptical, sensible and mindful. It remembers you that your body and existence is real. It's about sensations, comfort, appearance, what you see and touch. Its job is to understand and interact with the real, the unquestionable, the proven.
      • Sensing is like history and biology classes.
  • Intuiting is an irrational function connected with ideas. It's the possible, metaphysical, implicate. It's about what if and what could be, abstractions and underlying meanings. It's curious, abstract and open. It forces you to look beyond, to imagine. It's about the future, destiny, the unseen, the 'maybe', what you don't confirm. Its job is to understand and interact with the unreal, the questionable, the "can't be proven".
      • Intuition is like philosophy classes.
  • Feeling is a rational function that expresses and understands emotions so to rationalize rules and methods. It's about beliefs, interaction, well-being, satisfaction, behaviour, what's right and what's appropriate. Its job is to control and handle your emotions to workability.
      • Feeling is when you take a deep breath instead of punching your boss.
  • Thinking is a rational function that expresses and understands thoughts so to question and make sense of rules and methods. It's about about systems, thoughts, processes, organization, credibility, truth, perception. Its job is to explain and reason conclusions.
      • Thinking is when you tell yourself you can't punch your boss because you will get fired.


This is where you connect the attitude (extroversion / introversion) with the cognition (perceiving / judging).

  • Perceiving functions: Sensing and Intuition.
    • Extroverted Sensing (Se) and Introverted Sensing (Si).
    • Extroverted Intuition (Ne) and Introverted Intuition (Ni).
  • Judging functions: Thinking and Feeling.
    • Extroverted Thinking (Te) and Introverted Thinking (Ti).
    • Extroverted Feeling (Fe) and Introverted Feeling (Fi).
  • And so their pairs:
    • Se with Ni.
    • Si with Ne.
    • Te with Fi.
    • Fe with Ti.

Common patterns

  • Ne-Si or Si-Ne: hold themselves through personal obligation. Comfort zone is prioritized. They like giving you what you want (Ne) on their own terms/specifications (Si). Broad about ideas, specific about details. Can get easily immersed on media. Talks a lot using 1st person pronouns and personal experiences. Sounds more 'self-centred'. Good long-term memory. Usually have high pain tolerance. "What has happened, what will repeat itself" or "What will happen, what has happened before". Craves safety and attention.
  • Se-Ni or Ni-Se: views experiences through others' eyes. Needs their freedom. They like doing what they want (Ni) while being open to your terms/specifications (Se). Broad about details, specific about ideas. More in touch with reality (even Ni doms). Talks a lot using 3rd person pronouns and shared experiences. Sounds more 'group-y'. Good short-term memory. "What is, what will be" or "What I want it to be, what I have to do to make it". Craves options and loyalty.
  • Fe-Ti or Ti-Fe: they use "Correct vs Incorrect" statements, valuing what they think (Ti) while respecting your beliefs (Fe). Thoughts are discerned, individuals are generalized. Logic is paired with Ethics. Uses deductive reasoning and bullshits while explaining. Being polite > being nice. They want to fit in. Always-right syndrome. Talk using "I think" explanations. "Morals are subjective but there is a core truth". Justice over Mercy. Shame.
  • Te-Fi or Fi-Te: they use "Bad vs Good" statements, valuing what you think (Te) while respecting their own beliefs (Fi). Individuals are discerned, thoughts are generalized. Rationalization is paired with Morality. Uses inductive reasoning and cite sources while explaining. Being nice > being polite. They don't really make sense of things by their own. Trust and value titles, professionals and credentials. Always-good syndrome. Talk using "I feel like" explanations. "Truth is subjective but there is a right and wrong". Mercy over Justice. Guilt.

Each functions' priority

  • Ne: creation of the collective future and wants. Contingency plans. Expands ideas.
  • Se: general consensual reality. The present and real. Good presentation, good resources, good visuals. Showing things. Learn from other's mistakes.
  • Te: general consensual truth. Structure and efficiency. Inductive reasoning. Care about results, respect, achievements.
  • Fe: general consensual beliefs. Social harmony and common rules. Have an easier time with emotions in general. Responsible with the group's feelings.
  • Ni: creation of personal futures and wants. Willpower. Contract ideas.
  • Si: personal reality and sensations. Faith, commitment, loyalty. Little rituals. Learn from own mistakes (trial and error).
  • Ti: personal truth. Accuracy and precision. Deductive reasoning. Cares about consistency.
  • Fi: personal beliefs. Morals. Purpose, meaning. Responsible with own feelings.


The light/active functions (01-04) are always an easy road to go. You want to use them; they make you feel at ease and comfortable, like you're doing the right thing. However, the shadow/inactive functions (05-08) feel heavy and boring to use, even if you excel at them. They're not exciting and don't give you satisfaction, feeling forced and obligated.

I explain them here but this dude does an awesome job.

IV. CSJ Type Grid from his test

Trying to better define his own definitions. You do both of those, but there's one that's your comfort zone, the one you use the most and it's your most effective side.

    • 1) Do cognitive functions first (Spear&Bow / Sword&Mace and Fire&Wind / Earth&Water). You can see those in speech cues, so they're the easiest to kill. Bam 12 gone.
    • 2) Select the quadra, and at this rate it's easy to figure out characteristics for the last 4. Elimination process is the key to make this easy.
    • 3) If you still can't figure it out, check the Extroverted functions on the stacks, and the Nemesis (5th) and go by the most likely.
    • (my systematic ass did 4 interviews before i figured this out so please try it) ヾ(-_-;)

  • Directive: sharp and precise. Clear in their words. Leave little room for interpretation.
  • Informative: gives a lot of details while talking. Indirect speech, leaves words hanging. Passive-aggressive. Likes to blabber.
  • Progression: journey > destination. Doesn't care where they will end, what matters is that they leave their stagnation. Hunt their goals. Tend move a lot while talking. Quick paced.
  • Outcome: destination > journey. Cares about where they will end, not how they got there. Rather be patient with goals than hunt them. Tend to keep themselves "on frame" while talking. Slow paced.
  • Initiating: easily begins new topics on a conversation ("leaves the sidewalk and walks on the grass"). Starts stuff, ask questions, extroverted. Pretty easy to spot. Tend to interrupt a lot (others and themselves).
  • Responding: stays on topic ("may skip through but never leaves the sidewalk"). Waits for stuff, answer questions, introverted. Can seem uninterested because they won't engage new topics. Waits it's turn.
  • Systematic: has a system to approach things in life (but adapts it accordingly). Follows the procedure no matter what. They put their system above others' and themselves. Has a way things are supposed to be done. step by step, what's the next thing.
  • Interest: treats each situation as new/unique. "That's good for me and that's good for you". Put their wants or the wants of a group above the wants of others or themselves. If they're not getting what they want out of a situation, they leave.
  • Affiliative: values interdependence, likes to have and work on a team. Ask permission to do shit. Does the right thing. Tries to get a common ground. Makes decisions based on group agreement. Would keep quiet instead of arguing to avoid conflict.
  • Pragmatic: values independence. Does shit, then apologize. Does what works. Makes decisions based on themselves, and put those decisions above other people. Would argue for the sake of it.
  • Abstract: similes and metaphors. Scenarios, possibilities and maybes. Focus on the future, the unknown, what hasn't happened yet.
  • Concrete: analogies and comparisons. Whats real, factual and proven. Focus on the present, the known, what is happening or has happened.

V. SOURCES (aka. check those)

sep 12 2020 ∞
nov 3 2020 +