• Do you think Jesus ever asked the 12 Apostles to pull his finger and then ripped a sick fart if they did? Do you think this would have made Buddha laugh? Did L. Ron Hubbard even have a sense of humor?
  • I'll probably never see The Blue Lagoon...and I'm okay with that.
  • Why don't you ever hear people say "I swear to Allah!" or "I swear to Brahma!"? (Actually, I sometimes swear to Buddha.) You know what I wanna hear? I wanna hear someone say "I swear to Crom!" Then you'd know they mean business.
  • Jellyfish, WTF? It's like God sneezed into the ocean and thought "Hey, that looks cool! I shall call you jellyfish!"
may 29 2010 ∞
may 30 2010 +