- buy clothes, wear out, then return it
- sharing studio apt, lofted beds
- RA in college- free housing
- don't overorder food, or take leftovers home
- go vegetarian
- eat where they have free bread or chips and salsa
- no car= no gas, insurance, payments
- only buy goodwill/vintage clothing
- learn to sew
- hang clothes outside in summer to dry- save on utilities
- no lights during daytime
- workout from home
- skip flushes if you live alone
- navy shower- only turn water on to get wet and then again to wash off
- skip showers, use dry shampoo
- only charge electronics at school/work
- share wifi with friends
- swap clothes with friends
- free wifi at starbucks
- diva cup instead of disposable pads/tampons
- make your own soap/toothpaste/detergent
- make your own cleaner- vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice
- eat before going out with friends, just snack
- be the designated driver
- take napkins and straws from restaurants, save salt/sugar packets
- brunch and lunch dates instead of dinner
- make homemade iced tea, reuse tea bags
- farmers market + pick other people's fruit
- coupon!
- use a spaceheater or fan instead of heat and air conditioning
- also use blackout curtains to conserve cool air during the day
- free concerts and museums
- stay home for entertainment
- student discounts
- free samples or rewards programs (Sephora)
- wear less makeup
- "go away" for Christmas and then buy gifts on new years sales
- make homemade gifts
- cash app, mint.com for budgeting
- wash your own car
- wash delicates in the sink
- no tv, use library for dvds on laptop
- potlucks
- no credit card- stop online buying
- sneak in, hop fences
- craigslist furniture
- sell vintage clothing on etsy
- buy produce in season
- plant your own garden
- bake your own bread
- cloth napkins
- stock up when you find good deals
- meal plan
may 8 2016 ∞
mar 6 2025 +