- got first job
- moved in with sky
- moved in with luis
- lost virginity
- got drunk for the first time (new year's eve)
- got sick drunk for the first time (summer)
- got my own bank account at fb
- got a raise
- first concert
- tried marijuana (brownie)
- got license
- job at the vie
- bought iphone + phone bill
- paying for contacts
- got my own apartment
- electricity in my name
- went to new orleans/biloxi beach
- volunteered at pride fest
- turned 19!
- septum piercing
- switched to bank of america
- approved for a credit card
- quit vie, worked at amazon, hired at jared, hired as nanny
- started paying off student loans
- went vegan
- got a car
aug 21 2017 ∞
mar 6 2025 +