• a father having a meal with his kid(s) as if no other activity could bring him more contentment & joy
  • when a couple gets a table with a booth-seat on one side, and they choose to sit side-by-side on the booth instead of opposite each other
  • when a middle-aged couple secretly pays the bill for another table where a man and his wheelchair-bound mom is sat, only leaving them a note "you (probably the mom) remind me of someone very dear to my heart." (note to self that I should learn from them & do more random acts of kindness)
  • when the non-English-speaking kitchen chefs put up nicely with my excessively mediocre Mandarin and randomly feed me tidbits of whatever food they're cutting up/preparing. it's very little talk and mostly actions between me and them which I appreciate a lot.
  • when customers smile at you with a genuine glow
  • when a couple sitting opposite each other ACTUALLY do the thing where they hold hands and smile into each other's eyes while conversing (cheesiest ever lol but there's that warmth you can't deny feeling)
  • when children say thank you when I bring them OR THEIR PARENTS their food (my HEART)
dec 18 2018 ∞
dec 18 2018 +