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The electricity sizzles from the main stage and tears up the grass silently, creeps towards us and through our veins. We transform into trees and our roots tangle as one and we soar into the sky and play Frisbee with the moon and have our first date in outer space, where earthly matters don’t count, because we’re intergalactic and above it all and who can witness something that happens eight thous...

listography NEW NEWS
  • Obsessing over guys
  • Biting my nails when they're not polished
  • Procrastinating
  • Feeling inadequate
  • Comparing myself to other people
  • Living in fear
  • Buying so many notebooks
  • Doing laundry late at night when I'm exhausted
  • Losing sight of who I am
  • Drinking so much coffee
  • Letting other people control my emotions
  • Working myself to the ground, even when I'm sick
  • Starting a book, then putting it aside to start another one
  • Spending my paychecks without making a budget
  • Daydreaming
    • thus, getting sad from certain daydreams
  • Letting my mother control me
feb 15 2011 ∞
may 20 2011 +