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The electricity sizzles from the main stage and tears up the grass silently, creeps towards us and through our veins. We transform into trees and our roots tangle as one and we soar into the sky and play Frisbee with the moon and have our first date in outer space, where earthly matters don’t count, because we’re intergalactic and above it all and who can witness something that happens eight thous...

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  • My old best friend and her mom
  • The girl who nobody liked
  • That big smelly guy who really needs to wear deodorant (and somehow always ends up next to me or in front of me)
  • That angry-looking man who talks loud on his cell phone and is always getting on at different stops
  • A girl from my first college who recognized me from the halls
  • An acquaintance from high school who I talk to on the bus more than I did in school
  • A girl from high school who used to dress conservatively, have long brown hair, and stick to the people she was close to. Now she wears neon dresses, has bleach blonde hair, and talks to everyone she recognizes.
  • A businessman with a smirk who reads Chuck Palahniuk
  • A 200-pound woman who carries an old stroller over her shoulder, screams at her five children in Spanish, and lets them run wild in the back of the bus
  • A lady with pretty red hair who talks to everyone she knows (which is half the bus, usually)
  • A man who gets skinnier and skinnier every time I see him
  • A guy whose eyes are wide and electric and who yells at the bus driver to keep it moving everytime the bus is at a stop for more than a minute
  • A older man who is discheveled with greasy hair, but has beautiful blue eyes
jul 14 2011 ∞
jul 14 2011 +