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Hey, I'm Zodie~
I'm an Ice Beast living in the trackless wastes(tm) also known as Wyoming (Yes, that's actually a state). I mainly spend my time keeping myself busy with things that don't really mean much to me anymore.

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Hey, I'm Zodie, and if you're here, you probably want to know a little more about me (You did click this link on purpose, right???).

I am rotten at writing intros, so I'll just list off some facts and you can decide for yourself if you want to run away screaming or not.

I'm Zodie, I'm one of those cringetastic otherkin weirdos and I live in the Trackless Wastes(tm), also known as Wyoming.

I'm Trans, Agender, and I present pretty Male, though I use They/Them as pronouns. Really, my body was so bad at picking a biological sex that by the time my body was done growing, I wound up confused until I learned there was a name for it. I experience dysphoria on a daily basis. I have/had plans for surgical transition, but I'm pretty much broke, so it shall remain a pipe dream. I do have plans for a name change, however. Passing easily as male has actually kept me a lot safer, and because my general style and way of carrying myself is not overly feminine, it's comfortable enough to live this way day-to-day.

The area I live in is very transphobic and not a good place for anyone under the LGBTQ+ Umbrella, and I face the possibility of violence on a daily basis. I had plans to move, but now I am just too ill.

I used to want a career in Art, but I was injured in 2009, and after several diagnoses later, I have no goals or career plans any longer. I didn't really get a chance to develop any marketable skills before I became intractably ill, and so I am disabled.

I did previously enjoy a lot of things, but now I mainly use the costume (fursuit) making and art skills (if you want to call them that)I've acquired to keep myself busy rather than for any real pleasure.

I have things I prefer of course, I think Winter is the best season, and the cold is always better. I believe air conditioning and refrigeration are Men's gifts to the universe. Tacos are always nice, with sour cream.

Music is nice, but because of my hyperacusis (decreased sound tolerance) I now have to be very careful what I listen to. I play all kinds of music, though - from heavy metal and it's expansive subgenres, vaporwave, lots of jazz (smooth and fusion especially), really anything but some of the more current rap and country, which I can't stand.

I don't really have much of direction in life anymore, and I am not even sure what I really want now, but I think as long as I don't turn into one of those people who shoots up schools or something, I should probably be fine.

I really just wish I was worth something.

jan 18 2019 ∞
jan 18 2019 +