junior year at high school (2010/11)
- OKTV in English - get into the final (best 30 students). sooo hopeless
- OKTV in Hungarian Grammar - get into the final (best 30 students)
- achieve C2 level in English, and pass CPE
- consider applying for a 2-year scholarship in one of the United World Colleges - do i need this? would i really stand a chance?
- attend economics classes at Corvinus Uni
- survive Maths & IT specalised classes
- final exam: IT
summer after junior year (2011)
- as a 18th birthday present: go to New York or London, with or without a partner. preferably without.
senior year at high school (2011/12)
- give the OKTV competitions another try, if needed/worthwhile - try Hungarian Litareture, maybe, if the essay/research topics ar better
- achieve C1 (B2 before that) level in German + pass a language exam (euro? telc? whichever is the easiest, it doesn't really matter)
- attend economics classes, if not the previous year
- graduate high school with good grades (finals: Hungarian, History, Maths and English)
- apply & get into a university
- Corvinus University (if staying in Budapest) - decide on the faculty
- if going abroad: Oxford, Cambridge, some Ivy League universities - ooh, sweet dreams. do research, take SATs, TOEFL, whatever is needed!!
summer after senior year (2012)
- around-the-world trip with Eszter: go somewhere north - Denmark, Estonia, Sweden, Norway
freshman year at uni (2012/13)
- if abroad: say thanks to whatever god there's above
- if in Hungary: teach English as a free time activity a.k.a. job
- worst case scenario: after failing Maths and/or getting bored transfer to another uni where they teach Languages/Psychology (ELTE. i hope all this won't happen)
summer after freshman year (2013)
- go to the US, work in a summer camp, then use the money + remaining time to travel across the country (if already studying there: go to Canada! :)
- Becket-Chimney Corners Camp?? - worked for Andy
in the meantime
- FIND A GODDAMN BOYFRIEND AT LAST (try to do that in time for the 18th birthday trip)