This entry consists of criteria that if an individual meets one or more of them, I wish not to associate with said individual.

  • "Basic DNI criteria", some may say.

This includes proshippers, darkshippers, kodocons (I do not care if they're "fictional", you're still a fucking pedophile), zionists/neutrals, etc...

  • Poor taste in "humor".

This includes the repetition of the same watered-down, narrowminded understanding of a certain person (or concept, or more), the repetition of slurs and hate speech, etc... (bonus if you use "delulu", I guess it's just a personal ick of mine).

  • Personality revolves around being obsessed with a certain individual, fictional or not.

Especially if you send death threats because of it. I understand jealousy and mental illness, but please do not talk to me.

  • Stigmatize those with mental illnesses or disorders.

This includes dumbing down BPD to yandere or fetishizing yandere, stereotyping those with ASPD or NPD as abusive, etc. There is a lot more, but I won't be writing a document.

  • Partake in harmful communities such as shtwt, edtwt, etc.

Please heal.

TL;DR. I block anyone I don't like.

jul 21 2024 ∞
sep 1 2024 +