- Aging
- Animals driven to extinction
- Asteroid or comets hitting earth
- Bathroom mold
- Bed bugs
- Being caught up on Time Out New York or LA Magazine
- Being late anywhere
- Being lazy
- Calling people
- Cancer
- Circumstances people are in
- Death
- Disease
- Doors left unlocked
- Exercise
- Falling down subway stairs
- Family or friends getting hurt
- Fingers or my feet
- Food poisoning
- Fruit going bad
- Gangs
- God
- Grizzly nears on hikes
- Groceries --running out of something
- Health
- Heating liquid in the microwave
- If I smell
- If the house has dog hair everywhere
- Intentions being misunderstood
- Killing my plants
- Mail not getting to the right place (20 postcards I sent from India never arrived)
- Making bad decisions
- Mass disease
- Mental Illness
- Money (whether I'm overspending)
- My computer crashing
- My parents
- My relationship
- Natural disasters
- Not finishing a book
- Over population
- Pandemics
- Panic attacks
- Plane wrecks
- Pollution and the air we breath
- Racism and police brutality
- Religious fundamentalism
- Sexual offenders registered in our neighborhood
- Space Trash
- Spiders
- Stray animals
- Strokes
- Viruses
- Vitamins
- Wastefulness
- What job I should have
- Where our trash goes
- Where to live
- Whether I should use Meta Products
- Whether it's ok to just have fun (not being complicit in all the crap)
- Wildfires
- bed bugs
- bees
- being in a confined space (like an MRI machine)
- being locked in the bathroom
- boats
- cancer
- chicken pox
- eating expired food
- empty streets in foreign cities
- falling down stairs
- ghosts -still, especially in hotels that claim to be haunted or ghosts with bad intentions
- hooligans at night
- insects
- lightening when you are exposed in a car or walking
- people with bad intentions
- people with the flu
- pitching balls to batters
- porta potties
- public speaking (without a script)
- rapists
- the sun
- throwing up
- when someone is opening a champagne bottle
- worms in my apple
jul 26 2009 ∞
jan 26 2025 +