- orangoutang riding outside a van in cancun
- a broken down superman and marilyn monroe fighting on a corner
- tiger (a giant dog we were fostering) running circles on our bed
- adam's therapist disappearing
- a man proposing to his girlfriend at the end of our hike (kalalau trail) on a deserted beach in kauai
- yoda on a smoke break in a shopping complex
- a drunk man stepping out in front of a car and dying
- a women getting the heimlich maneuver at a disneyland restaurant
- the birth of two babies
- buddhists cutting down a tree with a chainsaw in Cambodia
- koreans at the kpop festival banging these giant metal balloons together
- a giant irishman going back and for at a parade on a super windy day in london
- horses bathing in the ocean, dominican republic
- a lot of sex in bathroom stalls at the berghain
- lightening storms in canyonlands utah
jun 13 2011 ∞
oct 3 2023 +