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What a beautiful face I have found in this place that is circling all round the sun. What a beautiful dream that could flash on the screen in a blink of an eye and be gone from me. Let me hold it close and keep it here with me. And one day we will die and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea. But for now we are young, let us lay in the sun and LIST every beautiful thing we see.

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  • Mass shootings, unbridled capitalism, division, climate change. Not in this lifetime
  • The state of our educational system. Evidence of the anti-intellectual world we are evolving into where experts are people with laptops, and leaders are ignorant wackos.
  • Not interested in raising children within a system of unbridled capitalism and excessive waste ––an immoral system we are born into.
  • I believe we can love and nurture beyond our DNA. I don't believe biological connection is a prerequisite for altruistic love and bonding. I believe in nurture.
  • Over population and wiping out resources (rainforest, the ocean). I don't believe we should all create more people exponentially. Some of us will have to make different choices.
  • I'm in love. I enjoy the conversations, the time together, the adventures, travel, the date nights. I don't want to sacrifice that dynamic.
  • Strange things are happening with autism risks increasing and puberty hitting girls earlier because of increased and growing environmental estrogens. Plus, a pandemic. We continue to encroach on animal life, forests, etc. I am not optimistic about the choices that happen in the world that I am helpless to stop. We are headed down a dark path and I love my unborn children too much to subject them to it.
  • "The happy people are the ones who wanted kids and had them or didn't want kids and didn't have them." Let us all just make our own choices.
  • Jane Goodall worked with her "kids"...our paths can be different...our children can be different. Forms of motherhood can be different (Oprah).
  • Motherhood can be an isolating experience. If I were to live in a commune I would be more likely to have children, with the shared and supportive experience of other women. I don't believe men are a good stand-in for that role.
  • Global warming, viruses, trumps, racism, is not the world I want motherhood in. I chose differently.
  • There are and have been billions of us. Capitalism has commodified the idea of motherhood.
aug 8 2007 ∞
may 28 2022 +