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What a beautiful face I have found in this place that is circling all round the sun. What a beautiful dream that could flash on the screen in a blink of an eye and be gone from me. Let me hold it close and keep it here with me. And one day we will die and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea. But for now we are young, let us lay in the sun and LIST every beautiful thing we see.

listography GIVE MEMORIES
Ryan movies (In theaters, TV series, or docs)
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books (Never Ending Summer Reading List)
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  • doing the cat litter box must be so comforting, like a zen garden --cynthia (2009)
  • a craft fight is when you silk screen insults --joe at the renegade craft fair (2008)
  • too bad they couldn't just send a miniature dennis quaid in there like in Innerspace -adrienne talking about colonoscopies (2007)
  • i can't watch oprah when she gives away stuff. i get too jealous. -lizzi (2007)
  • i liked the dress her dad got her. i never understood why she took it apart. --friend dan referring to Pretty In Pink (2006)
  • quote from Wickerman movie: Protected By The Ejaculations of Serpents. Scott to adam and i, "now i know what's going on my tombstone."
  • i'd give twenty years of my life if i could just cast one real spell. --friend scott IM'ing adam
  • nice sweatband dude. thanks, i just knitted it. --richard
jun 14 2008 ∞
may 31 2009 +