• RT: Damn, i could write a whole fucking essay about you. You are beautiful, you are sweet, you are hilarious, you are adorable, you are just fantastic and i adore everything, literally, about you. Most of my best memories and funniest memories have been with you. Sleeping on the trampoline, Bright Eyes...twice, the 7 year old sailor boy, eating mac and cheese on your trampoline, Baker's stops ,getting married, our U turn adventure. I don't think I could live without you.You're always there for me, even with all my fucked up problems you probably won't be able to deal with. You've helped me through so much, and probably one of the only reasons I've been alive this long. You are my best friend, my wife AND one of my favourite people in the world. You are one of the 3 people i trust on this Earth with everything. You are always the first (if not first, second) person to know anything that happens in my life. I'm sorry i've put you through so much this year with the hospital and everything. I won't every leave you like that again, or try to at least. I wrote you a song, that how much i adore you. I also wish you would stop doing that one thing that i used to do. I hate to see you in such pain, but know if you talk to someone, they can help, and it gets better. Just know, I love you more than you will ever know. Don't ever change the good things about you. Which is everything.
  • PF: I don't know what to think about you anymore. I adore you, I really do, but you can be such a spacey asshole sometimes (must be all that weed you're smoking). You've been my best friend since 8th grade and I've always felt like I've had to work harder at this relationship than you ever have even thought of. You've really got to stop killing yourself with smoking cigarettes, i'm fine with weed, but not cigarettes. It really bothers me that you don't care about yourself enough to stay alive. As much as we've both wanted to die, I want you to stay alive. I love you, but I feel like you don't try and you don't really care that much anymore.
  • TS:I wrote you a letter that explains everything. Here's the sum of it...I love everything about you and everything you do for me. You support me, you love me, you care and i adore you with all my heart and soul. I hope you love me as much as I love you. Read the letter and it will tell you everything i could think of that I love about you.
  • MW: You are THE supreme bitch. No one likes you. No one. Not even your "best friend". I feel bad that she has to deal with you. Why did you do that to me? Tell everyone? What a dick move, seriously. It just made everyone hate you more than they already did and everyone came over to support me. Now my secrets out. I hope you're happy now, that is mostly your fault. I took all my anger from you out on myself instead of dealing with it. I wish you would get hit by a car. I do. No one likes you. You bitch about everything, like your perfectly nice parents, and drive everyone away from you by telling secrets and lies to all your friends. Why do you even bother showing up to the parties you're pity-invited to or not even invited to. That makes my life hell just having to look at you. Can you go move somewhere else? Not be friends with my acquaintances? Thanks and have a shitty life.
  • GE: I absolutely despise you. You bring me down. You ruin my life. First, you were a real person. We are best friends, you were yourself in 7th grade and didn't let anyone influence you. I looked up to you so much, I don't know why. My mom and dad both disliked you strongly, but I didn't care. Then in 8th grade, we were even better friends. We hung out all the time, talked and went on adventures every weekend. You even started to make friends with my friends (which i really regret now). Then in 9th grade, we started off the year okay...but then...it all changed. You told me nasty things, everyone started to hate you and I thought you were losing all your friends, which you deserve. Then, you pushed me away, took all my friends, and now you're taking one of my best friend. I can't help but be jealous of you. I hate it, i absolutely hate it. I wish you were gone, I wish you were to move and never come back. I wish you would be maimed. Terrible, I know, but I do. Stay away from her. Don't make inside jokes. Don't comment on things you don't know. Don't cling to her. Don't make fun of her like you are right now. Don't get close to her at all. Her mom likes me, not you. There's no limits with me, people LIKE me. You butt into everyone's business. You are such a fake. You should just go die and I would be satisfied.
  • Me:You suck.
oct 18 2011 ∞
jan 8 2013 +