
  • Any time I spent with Sophie in grade ten. This includes making chalk drawings of ninjas in her driveway. Laughing our asses off over random stuff we talked about, creating names for each other, taking pictures in the park in the summer..etc.
  • Destroying journals with Sydney down her street. It was freezing out at midnight, but we ran down her street with our journals on strings nonetheless. That same night, we made cheesecake and we laughed uncontrollably at a face she had made while eating it for a good ten minutes.
  • Zones Drama Festival. Going to the buffet with half the class between shows. We were laughing so much, and having such an amazing day. Us girls dressed up for the day, and we had such a great time. On the way back to the school we were split into two cars and we had little battles between the cars, Myah smacked her hand on Cody's windshield trying to flip us off, and she threw post-it notes at Taylor's car. We all went to rotary after the buffet to play around and be kids. It was one of the most fun days I've ever had. I miss that class so much.
  • Before a party, we were all sober, we had a nerf gun fight in Jordyn's basement before watching Monty Python.
  • Going laser tagging for Callan's 18th
  • Watching Silve be "kidnapped" and carried over a guy's shoulder all through Moxie's on his 18th.
  • Having a girl's and gay's night with Alex and Silve, going to Dragon City and giving a new meaning to cherry pie filling. Going back to Alex's to watch Wall-E, use face masks and paint our toe nails.
  • Going out for coffee with Diana at 10:30 at night, and then ending up driving all the way around the city just venting our problems to each other.
  • The many times Melissa or Chris have made me laugh my ass off at work, and the many inside jokes we've developped because of it. = )
  • Watching Melissa increasingly get hammered at Moxie's. I was sober and had to pay for her bill and take care of her, tell her to shut up and laugh at her hilariousness. Maybe not a fun night at times, but definitely memorable.
  • Multiple times during Footloose, hanging out before rehearsal with Silve, also, reading erotica during rehearsal backstage because it was the only thing that shut us up. ;)
  • Provincials, going on a photo shooting session throughout the college, going to the dance at provincials and meeting the kids from Westwood.
  • Grad/Dry Grad. What a night to remember.
  • All of my time spent in Greece/Turkey this summer


  • The first time I got drunk at Aimee's party. My mom showed up to pick me up. I learned from there on out, NEVER to have my mom pick me up. Stupid things I learned at that party in grade ten included that, as well as, don't drink a drink that is not yours and don't sit in bathtubs...memorable for sure.
  • After that, I didn't drink for a good year or two. When I did, Sydney and I had a beer or two at her house before attempting to head down to the ponds, her on her longboard and me on her bike, whilst times.
  • This past summer I went to my fair share of parties. One had well over sixty people crammed in a house, the cops showed up twice that night due to a noise complaint, they blockaded the street and us minors had to hide in the basement. One kid yells "I feel like Anne Frank!!" Sooo funny. After that, Callan and I got taken back to Alex's to spend the night and get taken care of. We watched Beauty and the Beast before going to sleep and feel asleep mid-lyric. That was an incredible night. I made out with three guys and three girls....the term "heteroflexible" spawned from that night...
  • The "party" for four of us, all of us ended up extremely inebriated, and stuff happened that none or few of us remember, so I guess this one doesn't count as memorable, but it was sure fun!
  • The ABC party, I stayed the night in a bed with two gay guys and one straight one. That was just a fun time.
  • The Halloween party where everyone got a bit more drunk than planned, and there was a bit of drama...still a memorable time and everyone dressed up which was cool to see.
  • Jordyn's 18th when a certain somebody cheated on his girlfriend with a very drunken me. Oops....
  • Having such a horrible day at work, going over to Melissa's and not being able to open a little bottle of Hypnotiq, so I resorted to using a knife to try cutting it open. We ended up laughing about the whole day and how upset we were just made it more entertaining.
  • Taylor's Christmas party. I was six martinis in before I noticed that I'd gotten drunk. Fun night, not so fun being in the room with my boyfriend's ex, who thinks that the reason they broke up was me...
  • New Year's most recently, I only had one drink (althought nothing to eat that day) and I was pretty tipsy. I had the BEST New Year's I've ever had this year. Being with Brandon made it super special to me, and I finally got a New Year's kiss!!
  • Linda's surprise party! The only reason this is here is because I had had a beer and cooler. But throwing Linda a birthday party felt awesome and everyone at work got the day off specially to have the party. I'll miss all those great people. We then pooled our efforts together to push Melissa's car out of a snow rut. Such a good night!
jan 20 2011 ∞
jan 24 2011 +