• Step Up 3D--Dancing wise, this series keeps getting better! Acting wise, they keep getting worse. Oh well. You win some, you lose some..
  • The Runaways--Sooo good. I have such a new respect for Kristen Stewart, who I previously considered to be an actress who put very little emotion into her roles. Also Dakota Fanning, who I was not fond of for her consistent ability to scream in every role she was given, showed a lot of maturity and growth. I was impressed.
  • Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
  • Dinner for Schmucks--I love Steve Carrell. 'Nuff said. = )
  • Eat,Pray,Love
  • Inception--Oh my God. I know everyone says it's mind-blowing, but it's more than that...it's a well-produced movie! It featured brilliant acting, by some B-listers and a lot of depth. I was highly impressed with all aspects of this film.
  • Salt
  • Vampires Suck--If you've seen Twilight, and enjoy mocking it, it's quite funny. It's that lame "Scary Movie" humour though, so it's definitely not for everyone.
  • Grease(I know...I still haven't seen this gem)
  • West Side Story
  • V for Vendetta
aug 11 2010 ∞
jan 24 2011 +