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Lists are necessary because my brain is a clusterfuck of activity and I need to keep track of it all. I also enjoy making them.


This is just for fun. And I look at these as individual characteristics I like as opposed to one perfect person. That'd be scary, frankly.

  • Physical:
    • Tall - as in above average, not just taller than me
    • Dark hair/red hair/curly hair
    • Brown eyes
    • Veiny arms, hands, other things
    • Facial hair
    • Nice teeth/smile
    • Nice lips
    • Cute feet (a rarity)
    • Body somewhere between skinny and big-boned - you know, sort of lean but really toned and has muscles where it counts
    • Happy trails (well, body hair in general - not too much but I dislike it when guys shave things other than their faces)
    • A bit quirky looking (not gorgeous or a 'pretty boy'...I like it when someone's physical attractiveness isn't that obvious right away)
  • Personality-and-Other-Wise:
    • Sarcastic but also sweet (this is a very rare trait in any person and I admire anyone that possesses it)
    • Awesome/weird/random sense of humor/funny
    • Has hobbies, ambitions, and goals
    • Knows when and when not to take things seriously
    • Open-minded
    • Kind of nerdy - a hot nerd is a special, special thing
    • Good sense of style (you can tell a lot about a guy by the shoes he wears--it's really true)
    • Asks you questions and doesn't only talk about himself (rare/important)
    • Intelligent (as in has good grammar/spelling, etc. and acutally knows about some things)
    • Holds doors/opens car doors/shows a general sense of chivalry
    • Keeps his room/apartment clean
    • Not stingy with his money (not saying he has to pay for everything, but cheapness is all too common)
    • Is impervious to embarrassment
  • Other:
    • When guys usually wear contacts but then wear their glasses every once in a while
    • Guys that can dance well - oh yes. So good.
    • Guys that can sing
    • Guys that smell good
    • Deep voices
    • Belts with big buckles
    • One thin chain necklace that peeks out from under a T-shirt every once and a while
    • When guys wear rings - especially pinky rings
feb 26 2011 ∞
feb 28 2011 +