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listography GIVE MEMORIES
  • "The most effective revenge is constant self-improvement while your competition stagnant in their soon-to-be miserable lives."
  • Iā€™m very fit, thanks to discipline, drive, self-control, & will-power.
  • L-E-R-I: Listening, Empathy, Rapport, Influence
  • make systems = better habits --> subconscious "scheduling" --> weekly progress report --> gain higher awareness
  • Fitness is a lifestyle.
  • I got to stop giving unsolicited advice.
  • I live to create information, to improve upon information, and to share this information openly, freely, in order to help motivate, empower, and help others.
  • Be a type A personality: Iā€™m very organized, & I follow a fixed schedule & agenda every single day of the week, every week. My days & weeks are planned ahead of time.
  • In terms of stress, the things that define us have the potential to either make us or break us.
  • The more you are focused on other people's lives, the less time you have in your own life. So don't be a retard.
  • Does your emotions control you more than you control them?
  • The people you hang out with..influence you as you grow older. That's why it's always great to have multiple circles. :)
apr 3 2018 ∞
sep 30 2023 +