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era pra treinar meu inglês, mas minha língua é tão linda que eu não resisto e misturo tudo

listography NEW NEWS
  • "you might be alone at the moment, but someday you'll definitely find nakama! the sea is vast. someday, without any doubt, nakama who will protect you will appear! no one is born in this world to be alone. run, robin, without looking behind you! and when things are rough, do as i taught you: laugh like this!"

——— one piece

  • "so you failed. alright you really failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you think i care about that? i do understand. you wanna be really great? then have the courage to fail big and stick around. make them wonder why you're still smiling."

——— elizabethtown

jan 5 2021 ∞
jan 10 2021 +
  • blue : the sky, the ocean, sadness but also joy
  • pink : love, hugs, mariana lucena
  • white : peace, eternity, FREEDOM, the lord of the rings
  • orange : the sunset, the sunrise, life
  • grey : music, between darkness and light, "I become empty and full all at once, and I can feel the whole earth roiling around me..."
sep 25 2018 ∞
sep 27 2018 +

ana lívia · insert something shakespearean involving death and your inevitable doom here.

  • 18, enfp, she/her, aries
  • a mix between gryffindor and hufflepuff
  • spends most of the time crying over fictional characters
  • trying to be a nice person
  • love all, trust a few, do wrong to none

likes: the universe, nature, feminism, passions, marvel comics, anything related to music and films, books, colors, a hot cup of coffee, art, poetry, vegan food, animals, tattoos, musicals, philosophy, lord of the rings, talking a lot about everything, the cure through writing, feelings, different cultures and languages, the existence, etc


sep 25 2018 ∞
jan 2 2021 +
  • katumbaiá : do pataxó : protetora dos animais
  • ambedo : do latim : um transe melancólico no qual você fica imerso nos detalhes, os pingos da chuva, ou balançar das árvores por conta do vento, brevemente absorvendo a experiência de estar vivo.
  • koi no yokan (恋の予感): do japonês : a sensação de encontrar alguém e sentir que estão destinados a se apaixonar.
  • meraki (μεράκι): do grego : a alma, criatividade, ou amor colocadas em algo; pôr sua essência no que cria.
  • onism : do dinamarquês : a frustração de estar preso em apenas um corpo, de perceber quão pequeno é o mundo que você será capaz de experienciar ao longo da vida.
  • fernweh : do alemão : a necessidade de ir para lugares distantes, sentir falta de lugares onde nunca esteve, "qualquer lugar que não seja aqui".
  • serendipity : do inglês : uma descoberta que acontece por acident...
sep 25 2018 ∞
jan 8 2020 +

to be updated

sep 25 2018 ∞
jan 7 2020 +

i'm not sure: *

  • vilde | skam
  • noora | skam
  • rachel | friends
  • chandler | friends
  • phoebe | friends
  • robin | how i met your mother
  • mabel | gravity falls
  • usagi | sailor moon
  • levi | fangirl
  • hermione | harry potter
  • luna | harry potter
  • esmeralda | the hunchback of notre dame
  • rapunzel | tangled
  • anna | frozen
  • merida | brave
  • jake peralta | brooklyn 99
  • megara | hercules
  • giselle | enchanted
  • angelica schuyler | hamilton
  • eliza schuyler | hamilton
jul 20 2018 ∞
jan 6 2021 +