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era pra treinar meu inglês, mas minha língua é tão linda que eu não resisto e misturo tudo

listography NEW NEWS
  • "you might be alone at the moment, but someday you'll definitely find nakama! the sea is vast. someday, without any doubt, nakama who will protect you will appear! no one is born in this world to be alone. run, robin, without looking behind you! and when things are rough, do as i taught you: laugh like this!"

——— one piece

  • "so you failed. alright you really failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you failed. you think i care about that? i do understand. you wanna be really great? then have the courage to fail big and stick around. make them wonder why you're still smiling."

——— elizabethtown

  • "[...] 'it's painful, i want to stop.' when i feel that way, i take a step forwards."

——— haikyuu

  • "when you die, you can't see sunsets."

——— hayao miyazaki

  • "so many men have tried to kill me, i don’t remember all their names. i have been sold like a broodmare. i’ve been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile? faith. not in any gods, not in myths and legends. in myself. in daenerys targaryen."

——— game of thrones

jan 5 2021 ∞
jan 10 2021 +