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  • Niles: What an odd combination of odors. It smells like one fish died and the other fish sent flowers.
  • Niles: How could she like him? The man has "community college" written all over him!
  • Niles: Oh, for goodness sake, Frasier! I'm a happily married man! Maris means the world to me. Why, just the other day I kissed her for no reason whatsoever.
  • Frasier: This woman wants to go out with you. Roz says she has an amazing personality. Martin: I guess that makes me the pretty one.
  • Frasier (about Martha): She worked for a German family that came to Guatemala... right after the war...
  • Niles: Although I feel perfectly qualified to fill Frasier's radio shoes, I should warn you that while Frasier is a Freudian, I am a Jungian. So there'll be no blaming mother today!
  • Kid: Living Brain? What kind of dork wants that? Frasier: With any luck, the kind of dork who'll be operating on your prostate someday!
  • Martin: We passed City Hall, and there's this big crowd, kind of like a pep rally or something. So, we joined them. Well, some official guy up front says something that we didn't hear, and the next thing you know, everybody's throwing rice, and all the men are kissing each other, and all the women are kissing each other, and I'm not sure but I think Duke and I may be married.
  • Martin: Why don't you do what my buddies and I used to do when we were young and hard up for dates? Frasier: Invade Korea?
  • Photographer to Niles and Mel at wedding reception: What about a kiss? Niles: Oh, I hardly know you but ha ha ha ha!
nov 26 2011 ∞
sep 25 2013 +